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Friday, September 26, 2008

Love Is in the Details  

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Dear Grandma,

Your loss isn't so painful, because I see you everyday in the details. Thanks for painting my life with the most vibrant of all colors.

You taught me to love and appreciate nature. Hummingbirds remind me of you. (Thanks to the Painted Maypole for this beautiful picture.)

Your backyard has orange trees. How many of those oranges did you squeeze just for me? Oranges remind me of you. (Thanks to my baby sis Brooke for this pic.)

You were in the middle of three books the day you died. You taught me to love literature, to adore the piano, and to be a life-long learner. Books and pianos remind me of you.

You had pomegranate trees and taught me that playing with me was more important that red stains on the carpet. Pomegranates remind me of you.

You were down on your knees in prayer when you died. You taught me that the purpose of this life is to prepare to meet God.

You taught me that death is but temporary while love and families are eternal. I know I will see you again. I am reminded of this everyday in the small and simple details you taught me to love.

What next?

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